Our mission
Guided by Jesuit principles, Brophy Community Foundation’s mission is to ensure that Arizona K-12 students with verified financial need can afford a quality private school education.
Our history
Established and incorporated in 1998, Brophy Community Foundation (BCF) is one of Arizona’s oldest and most well-respected school tuition organizations (STO).
Arizona law provides for a dollar-for-dollar income tax credit for taxpayer contributions to BCF. These dollars provide tuition aid to students, with verified financial need, so they can afford to attend Arizona private K-12 schools. BCF receives contributions from individuals and companies (C-corps, S-corps, and insurance companies that pay a premium tax). The individual tax credit law began in 1998, and the corporate tax credit law began in 2006.
Each year BCF provides critical tuition aid for financially qualified students. Whether they attend Brophy College Preparatory, Loyola Academy, or one of the 35 additional K-12 schools, BCF helps families afford the private education they seek for their children.
Meet the team

Heather Chapman
Operations Manager

Dawn Kennedy
Executive Director

Laura Walsh Giesecke
Director of Marketing & Engagement
Student Internship Coordinator
Brophy Community Foundation’s Federal Identification Number is 86-0929111.
Brophy Community Foundation financial statements, governing documents, and conflict of interest policy are available upon request.
The Brophy Community Foundation has NEVER accepted donor designated contributions. Arizona law now requires all school tuition organizations to print the following notice on all printed material and websites: A school tuition organization cannot award, restrict or reserve scholarships solely on the basis of donor recommendation. A taxpayer may not claim a tax credit if the taxpayer agrees to swap donations with another taxpayer to benefit either taxpayer’s own dependent.