Applying online is the required method for submitting your application. Brophy Community Foundation employs FACTS, an independent financial aid assessment company, to confidentially evaluate each application and supporting tax documents (tax returns, W-2s and other relevant income information).
Yes, all awards are based on verified financial need. A student must have a current and complete application and must be enrolled at a qualified private school before Brophy Community Foundation can consider any awards for the student.
Online applications will be available online February 1st.
Yes, applications and all supporting documents must be complete by May 15th.
Yes, the fee is $35.
All tuition aid awards are based on verified financial need.
Yes. Spanish applications are available online.
Yes. Using your FACTS identification number will simplify your steps.
Yes, if your student is transferring from a public school or has previously received school tuition organization (STO) funding, please fill out and return the following forms that apply to your circumstance:
- Students transferring from a public to private school must complete and return to Brophy Community Foundation this Public School Attendance Verification form.
- If student has ever received tax credit tuition aid from another STO, please complete and return to Brophy Community Foundation this Previous Scholarship Verification form.
No. Do not send your application or supporting tax/income documents to Brophy Community Foundation. Your application and all supporting tax/income documentation must be submitted to FACTS.
- Submitted online application Application Link
- Copies of your 2023 tax forms including all supporting tax schedules
- Copies of your 2023 W-2 form for both you and your spouse
- Copies of supporting documentation for Social Security Income, Welfare, Child Support, Food Stamps, Workers’ Compensation, or any other miscellaneous income
Yes. However schools can only accept tuition aid equal to the student’s tuition that is due for the current school year. Any overage must be returned to the school tuition organization (STO).
No, Brophy Community Foundation has never accepted donor designated/recommended contributions. In furtherance of our mission and legislative intent of tax credit laws, all funds are distributed based on verified financial need. All applicants must annually complete FACTS financial aid application supported by Arizona tax returns and W-2. Arizona law now requires the following notice on all STO materials and websites.
A school tuition organization cannot award, restrict or reserve scholarships solely on the basis of donor recommendation. A taxpayer may not claim a tax credit if the taxpayer agrees to swap donations with another taxpayer to benefit either taxpayer’s own dependent.
No. A student that receives ESA money cannot receive any funds from an STO for that same academic year.
If the parent terminates the ESA contract during the academic year there is no conflict for the student to receive Brophy Community Foundation/STO tuition aid for the remainder of the academic year after the termination of the contract. Parents can request a letter from the ESA program stating that their ESA account is closed as of a certain date which then can be provided to the Brophy Community Foundation/STO who may choose to award tuition aid to the student for the remainder of the academic year.
The ESA statute (A.R.S. §15-2402(B)(3)) requires that while a parent has a contract with the ESA program, at no time can a student receive both ESA and Brophy Community Foundation/STO money. This means that if the parent applies for the ESA program during the academic year and signs an ESA contract, any and all Brophy Community Foundation/STO tuition aid money paid to the private school for that academic year must be refunded to the Brophy Community Foundation/STO regardless of when the ESA contract was signed during the academic year. For example, a parent applies for and receives Brophy Community Foundation/STO tuition aid in spring 2016 for the upcoming 2016/17 academic year and the Brophy Community Foundation/STO sends the tuition aid money to the private school in the spring. In October of the school year the parent decides to apply for ESA funding and signs a contract with the ESA program. Even though the contract was signed in October it applies retroactively to the beginning of the academic year. Therefore the student is no longer eligible for any Brophy Community Foundation/STO money for that academic year and the private school must refund the full Brophy Community Foundation/STO tuition aid that was paid in the spring.
For up to date information on ESAs, visit the Arizona Department of Education website.