Hello! My name is Diego Moreno, and I am a first-generation student at Brophy Prep. Since my freshman year, my life has changed in ways I never could have imagined. When I first stepped onto Brophy's campus, I was a nervous, introverted guy who kept to himself and didn’t really know much about myself or the world around me. Fast forward to now, I can’t walk anywhere on campus without stopping to say hi to someone. I’ve gone from being someone who was just getting by in school to consistently earning good grades, never receiving less than four B’s throughout my entire Brophy career.

Growing up, I didn’t know much about my own religion or the Jesuits, but Brophy has taught me to see God in all things, both big and small. I’ve also had the incredible opportunity to travel and experience new places, from the Bay Area and Washington, D.C., to Nogales and even El Salvador. These experiences have broadened my horizons and helped me grow spiritually and personally.

Coming from a first-generation family, we never imagined attending a private school. Now, thanks to the amazing path that the Brophy Community Foundation (BCF) has put me and my family on, my older brother is graduating from ASU Barrett next year, and I’m applying to universities with dreams of becoming a Criminal Justice Lawyer. My younger brother is set to graduate from Loyola Academy as part of the class of ’31, continuing the impact BCF has had on our family.

None of this would have been possible without the generous support of the BCF and its donors. Through the connections I’ve made, the lifelong friendships, the experiences I’ve had, and the spiritual growth I’ve undergone, I’ve learned the importance of making others feel included, loved, heard, and appreciated, both on and off campus. Brophy has helped me become the best version of myself, and for that, I am forever grateful.

Diego's Involvement:
I'm currently involved with the National Honors Society, Big Brothers, Student Leadership, Office of Equity and Inclusion, Social Media Manager of Hermanos Unidos, Communications Director of Advocacy Club, Graphic Designer of Soules 2 Soles and Mock Trial, Snack Bar Manager for BEAST, Core Member/Spanish Liaison for Red & White Ambassadors, and, of course, Intern and Photographer for the Brophy Community Foundation.

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